Urge President Obama to Keep Fossil Fuels Safely In The Ground

During the month of April, United Church of Christ leaders are observing Earth Day and calling on people of faith and conscience to share a simple message: Keep It in the Ground. No, they are not digging up old, arcane arguments about bodily resurrection. They are talking about fossil fuels.

Arguably, the most important act of caring for God’s creation that our society can undertake today is to keep most of the world's fossil fuel reserves in the ground. If humanity fails at this—if we dig up the coal and oil and gas and burn them—the resulting pollution will push our planet into the red-alert danger zone as it overheats due to the damage done to our climate..

Call on President Obama to halt new extraction efforts on public lands.

Our president has the authority to prevent millions of tons of carbon from entering into the atmosphere through this one act. We can begin to transition from the fossil fuel era to 100% renewable energy by first addressing how we care for our nation’s own lands. Join your voice with thousands of advocates calling on President Obama to halt new extraction efforts on public lands.

President Obama, we call on you to secure your climate legacy by halting all new drilling, fracking, and mining on public lands and waters, including stopping all new offshore drilling in the Arctic, Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic

623 Signatures

Enter your information to add your name to the White House petition.

Signed by:

Denise H. Sonoma, CA
Sue S. Greensboro, NC
Lauren M. Murrieta, CA
Michelle w. Kettering, OH
Lynne D. Madison, WI
Shelly B. Newton, NC
Brett B. Santa Clara, CA
Pearly M. San Mateo, CA
Eleanor B. Foster City, CA
Thomas B. Williamsport, MD
Margaret H. Redwood City, CA
Nancy J. San Mateo, CA
Lorna G. Hillsborough, CA
Austin M. San Mateo, CA
Todd A. San Francisco, CA
Ronald F. Hilo, HI
Jason B. Knoxville, TN
Barbara S. Loveland, CO
Terrence G. Aurora, IL
Patricia A. Sun City, AZ
Denise L. Woodbridge Townshi...
Hildamay C. Kingston, NH
Jane I. San Diego, CA
Valerie R. Mi-wuk Village, CA
Martha R. Billings, MT
Debby R. Granby, CT
James T. Kansas City, MO
Warren P. Duluth, MN
Philip S. Phoenix, AZ
Lisa W. Mentor-on-the-lake...
Thana C. Oakland, CA
Darlene K. Belleville, IL
Kraig S. Sterling, IL
Kathryn T. Westerville, OH
Chris R. St. Louis, MO
Janine w. Delaware, OH
Pura C. Chicago, IL
Kay M. Ames, IA
Thomas M. Ames, IA
KEITH M. Lancaster, OH
Kristina L. Aurora, CO
LeAnn C. Chelsea, MI
Elizabeth B. Chico, CA
Marceline G. Portland, OR
Barbara D. Weymouth, MA
Elizabeth F. Claremont, CA
Joseph M. Pittsburgh, PA
Rosemary M. Royersford, PA

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