Support New Mexico Schools!

Did you know that education in New Mexico currently ranks in the bottom five states in our nation? This must change.

The oil and gas industry in New Mexico provides crucial funding to New Mexico schools - contributing more than $711 MILLION to K-12 public schools in 2017 alone. This funding is essential to improving our education system and creating a brighter future for the generations to come.

Without the funding provided by the oil and gas industry, New Mexico's chances of bettering our schools, rising through the national ranks, and giving our children the education they deserve decrease dramatically. 

Contact your elected officials TODAY and ask them to support education funding and the oil and gas industry in New Mexico.

Want to learn more about education funding in New Mexico? Watch the video below:

Let your legislator know that funding from the oil and gas industry is essential to your child's education!


Thank you for taking action! It's people like you that truly make a difference. Please continue to help our efforts by encouraging others to act by sharing on social media.