Acting Administrator Wheeler, welcome to the EPA. More than ever, rural Americans need your support – now is the time to deliver year-round E15.
Farm income has plummeted to a 12-year low, and vital markets for U.S. agricultural goods are being crushed by government restrictions, foreign trade barriers and a global crop surplus. It’s the worst rural recession since the 1980s, leaving many communities across the Midwest wondering what comes next.
To meet this challenge, rural families are looking to Washington for support – President Trump needs to fulfill his promise to help farmers. Access to new markets for American-made biofuels could unleash a wave of growth, driving demand for energy-rich farm crops. While other manufacturing sectors have left rural America, more than 200 biofuel plants support thousands of farmers and workers across the heartland.
While the previous EPA chief failed to permit year-round sales of E15, Andrew Wheeler can help deliver on President Trump’s promise of affordable biofuels year-round – the opportunity for growth that rural America needs.
Lifting outdated government regulations on biofuels would restore demand for surplus crops and revitalize farm income. Now is the time for acting Administrator Wheeler to cut the red tape and deliver on promises made to farm families.