In the next few weeks, Congress will be considering critical education funding bills for fiscal year 2019. Key decisions are being made right now about whether schools will receive adequate federal funding in the coming year through critical programs like Title II and Title IV of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
The bipartisan, landmark 2015 ESSA legislation authorized Title II funding to states for the essential purpose of preparing, training, recruiting, and retaining high-quality teachers, principals, assistant principals, and other school leaders. Title IV funding supports critical school safety and health initiatives, along with technology and well-rounded education programs including music, the arts, social studies, computer science, and many others.
Despite the impact these programs have on student achievement, President Trump's proposed FY 2019 budget has called for the complete elimination of both Title II and Title IV. The only way to protect them is to contact your members of Congress at this critical time and demand that they stand strong against any effort to gut federal funding for public education.