Thanks for opting-in to receive emails and text messages from the International Franchise Association's Franchise Action Network, or FAN. By joining the FAN, you’ll stand alongside nearly 100,000 advocates nationwide who are dedicated to creating and protecting jobs, supporting their local communities and highlighting how franchising is helping America recover and reopen.
FAN ensures the personal and unique stories of local franchise small business owners and employees are heard in Congress, federal agencies, and state and local legislatures when decision-makers are taking actions that impact Main Streets and the communities they serve. No matter the issue or level, becoming a member of FAN ensures IFA's award-winning government relations team can help PROTECT YOU.
As a FAN member, you will be able to easily contact your federal, state, and local officials about issues of concern through the state-of-the-art Phone2Action platform.
Be sure to fill out your contact info in order to receive updates and calls to action from IFA. Upon registering you'll begin receiving IFA's email newsletter, which includes all the latest and breaking headlines impacting franchising at the federal and state levels. And should any legislative or regulatory activity pop up which might impact you, be on the lookout for text and email alerts from IFA!
If you have any questions, you can email IFA's Paul Calkins at pcalkins@franchise.org for more information. Welcome to FAN!