Urge Governor to Veto Wrongful Death Liability Expansion

Call Governor Hochul at 518-474-8390. Press Option 3, then press Option 1 to leave a voicemail or Option 2 to speak with an Operator. 

Please urge Governor Hochul to veto S.74-A/A.6770, which would greatly expand the possible damages awardable in a wrongful death action and dramatically increase our already outrageously high liability insurance premiums. One recent actuarial estimate indicated that passage of this legislation could require a liability premium increase of nearly 50%, which translates to tens of thousands of dollars in new costs for many physicians and could make it impossible for many physicians to stay in practice. These kinds of increases are untenable and could have negative consequences on patient access to care at community hospitals and physician offices, particularly as we continue to attempt to recover from the pandemic. Read Memo In Opposition.

Urge Governor to Veto Wrongful Death Liability Expansion

Call Governor Hochul at 518-474-8390. Press Option 3, then press Option 1 to leave a voicemail or Option 2 to speak with an Operator. 

Please urge Governor Hochul to veto S.74-A/A.6770, which would greatly expand the possible damages awardable in a wrongful death action and dramatically increase our already outrageously high liability insurance premiums. One recent actuarial estimate indicated that passage of this legislation could require a liability premium increase of nearly 50%, which translates to tens of thousands of dollars in new costs for many physicians and could make it impossible for many physicians to stay in practice. These kinds of increases are untenable and could have negative consequences on patient access to care at community hospitals and physician offices, particularly as we continue to attempt to recover from the pandemic. Read Memo In Opposition.