It is time for Congress to do its job and pass a clean DREAM Act!

With each passing day, 122 immigrant youth lose their protections from DACA and become vulnerable to Trump’s mass deportation machine. That’s 851 people each week who lose their ability to drive, to enroll in public universities and have access to in-state tuition, and to take care of themselves and their families. Delaying the vote on the DREAM Act means more family separation—more detention beds filled and more deportations.
We need a bill that will protect immigrant youth without increasing funding for more interior enforcement, detention beds, the border wall, or cuts to legal migration. We will not accept legislation that criminalizes and targets one part of our community as the price for protecting another part of our community!
The clock is ticking for millions of impacted families and communities. We need Congress to act today!
Enter your info to receive a toll free call connecting you to tell your representative in Congress that they need to act NOW for a Clean DREAM Act!