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Boycott the New York Times!

This disgusting cartoon from the New York Times is the latest example of anti-Semitism in the mainstream media. 


Politicians and media figures on the left are increasingly draping their crticism of Israel in anti-Semitic tropes. At a time when hate crimes against Jewish people are on the rise, we cannot let this go unchecked. 





Alexander Furth
Robert Lucas
Alyce Goldstein
Robin McClain
Nancy Smith
bibiana hernandez
Chris Bradford
Lorna Musi
Sandra levy
Sol goldstein
Linda Barnhill
Kenneth Nantais
Leanne Praw
Paula Eno
Brice Paulsen
Kathleen Neumann
Carolyn Emond
Jutta Sheehan
Ann Daniel
henry kwitel
Herbert Glaser
David Shevel
Marlene Martian
Rebecca Batchelor
nancy biale
Katherine Loehding
Joel Stoffel
Sara spielman
David Taylor
Roderick Dedner
Cheryl Rives
June Hartunian
Devorah Marcus
Patricia robinson
Richard Sanchez
shlomo churba
Antonio Mantilla
Pat wagner
Allan Wildrick
Linda Marina
Tirah Yancey
jack miles
Brenda Ehlers
Minoo Sgaban
Mary Lecain
david crawford
zvi solomon
Samuel Klein
Robert Shinbrot