Tell Summer’s Eve: Toxic Chemicals and Body Shaming are NEVER OK!

Summer’s Eve is marketed to make people feel vaginas are dirty and in need of cleansing. But their idea of “clean” involves a splash of toxic chemicals. And now they are marketing a “fragrance-free” product that is chock-full of fragrance chemicals!

Taking care of your body - however you choose - should never put your health at risk. Contact Summer's Eve now and tell them toxic chemicals, hidden ingredients, and body-shaming are never OK!

Here’s a simple script you can use when calling Summer's Eve:

“Hello. My name is ______, and I am concerned about harmful chemicals and hidden ingredients in Summer’s Eve products. I am calling to ask Summer's Eve to eliminate chemicals of concern to health, and to disclose all ingredients, and stop misleading people by labeling products "fragrance-free" when they in fact contain fragrance ingredients. Chemicals linked to cancer and other serious health problems DO NOT belong in products that come in contact with those most sensitive part of a body.”

For more information on toxic chemicals found in Summer's Eve products, click here.


Tell Summer's Eve to eliminate harmful chemicals and disclose all ingredients! Call now!

*You'll receive a call from 951-441-3392 that will provide you guidance on what to say to your officials, and then patch you through directly to them.

Please encourage others to act by sharing on social media.

Feel free to use this sample script, or speak from your heart...

“Hello. My name is ______, and I am concerned about harmful chemicals and hidden ingredients in Summer’s Eve products. Because Prestige Brands owns Summer's Eve, I am calling to ask Prestige to eliminate chemicals of concern to women’s health, and to disclose all ingredients, including fragrance and Neutresse. Chemicals linked to cancer and other serious health problems DO NOT belong in products that come in contact with those most sensitive part of a woman’s body.”