Antisemitism has no place in our society.
Nine student organizations at Berkeley Law signed a proclamation banning any speakers that support the state of Israel. It doesn't even matter what topic they're speaking on. Anyone who supports Israel -- America's greatest ally in the middle east -- will be silenced.
Included amongst these groups is the Queer Collective. This is incredibly hypocritical considering how Israel's neighbors treat queer individuals.
Use the box on this page to send one message that goes to all the organizations that adopted the bylaw.
Politely tell them to stop their hateful actions and embrace tolerance. You can either send our pre-written message or write your own.
In addition, the names Accuracy in Media has been able to independently confirm as leaders of antisemitism at Berkeley Law are listed below:
Maryam Alhakim
Nicki Guivatchian
Jasmin Luz
Jung Kim
Matt Fernandes
Sewit Beraki
Margarita Akopyan
Kendrick Peterson