Thank the Ohio House Committee on Economic Development, Labor, and Commerce for supporting HB504!

Chapter and City Center Leaders,

We need you to show your appreciation to the House Committee on Economic Development, Labor, and Commerce! HB504 was successfully passed out of the committee with a 10-1 official vote. We want to thank the committee for their careful consideration of our bill and its successful passage.

HB504 would establish a permissive certification for highly-qualified, professional interior designers. Additionally, HB504 would allow those who choose to get certified the ability to sign their drawings. As we know, our state produces some of the best educated interior design students in the country, but our laws, unintentionally, impact their right to practice to the fullest extent of their education and training.

HB504 does not require an interior designer to become certified. If an interior design professional chooses not to become certified, then they could continue to practice as they do today.


Simply fill out the form below to send the committee a letter!


Thank you for supporting HB504! Grassroots support makes all the difference.