Since 1980, the women's prison population has grown by over 700%, faster than any other population in the country. Over 80% of women entering the legal system have experienced some form of violent victimization (e.g. sexual, partner, or caregiver violence) and over half are mothers. Thousands of these women are still serving harsh mandatory minimum sentences related to the drug laws of the eighties and nineties. At 61 years old and on her 32nd year of a federal mandatory life sentence, Michelle West is one of those people.
Michelle had no criminal history whatsoever before a federal judge was forced to sentence her to mandatory life in prison. While her life sentence was mandatory in 1993, it would not be mandatory today. Michelle has the support of a dozen current and retired Federal Bureau of Prisons staff, who have written letters attesting to her character and readiness for release.
You can play a role in helping to bring Michelle West home. 32 years is long enough. Urge President Biden to commute her sentence before he leaves office.