American Dream and Promise Act of 2019

Our immigration system too often leaves people - many of whom were brought to the U.S. as minors or are not able to return to their home countries because of violent conflict or natural disaster - with no way to receive legal status.

The American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R. 6) would provide Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) recipients with protection from deportation and an opportunity to obtain permanent legal status in the United States, if they meet certain requirements.

Protections in the bill would allow nearly 700,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, as well as another 1.6 million eligible Dreamers, 300,000 TPS holders, and up to 3,600 individuals with DED to remain in the U.S and provide long-term stability to work, build a family, and enrich our nation.

Following our scriptural calling to welcome the stranger, we demonstrate Christ’s love to the marginalized by offering hospitality to immigrants, and support policies that ensure all people, especially the vulnerable, can thrive.

With H.R. 6 soon headed to the House floor for a vote, ask your representative to support this bill!


Read a Backgrounder or return to the Office of Social Justice website.

Contact your Representative!

*You'll receive a call from 712-435-1508 that will provide you guidance on what to say to your officials, and then patch you through directly to them.

Please encourage others to act by sharing on social media.

My name is [Name] and I am a consituant from [City, State] and I am calling today in support of the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019. This bill would provide Dreamers, TPS, and DED recipients with protection from deportation and an opportunity to obtain permanent legal status in the U.S.

As a person of faith, my community and I demonstrate God’s love to the marginalized by offering hospitality to immigrants, and support policies that ensure all people, especially the vulnerable, can thrive. I am asking today that you support H.R. 6 to ensure that the the hard-working families and individuals in our nation who would benefit greatly from permanent legal status can benefit from that designation.