URGENT: Endangered Salmon & Orcas at Risk

Pacific Northwest Representatives Newhouse, McMorris Rodgers, Herrara Beutler, and Schrader have moved the Salmon Extinction Act (H.R. 3144) that would prevent action, modification, engineering plan- or even study of the Columbia River dams to save the region’s dying wild salmon! The purpose of H.R. 3144 is to overrule two U.S. District court decisions that have ruled federal hydropower management plans illegal for violating the Endangered Species Act and risking the extinction of wild salmon with their operations.

Call your U.S. Representative today and ask them to OPPOSE the Salmon Extinction Act (H.R. 3144). 

*If you would like to call directly, please call 888-257-4341 to be connected with your representative.

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*You'll receive a call from 888-257-4341 that will provide you guidance on what to say to your officials, and then patch you through directly to them.

Please encourage others to act by sharing on social media.

Some suggested talking points/scripts:


Some suggested talking points:

  1.       Please tell Congressman/Congresswoman________ to oppose H.R. 3144 regarding the Columbia and Snake River dams. Bonneville Power Administration and federal agencies have already spent over $15 billion of taxpayer and ratepayer money on fish recovery efforts without recovering a single salmon population along the Columbia and Snake River. H.R. 3144 would overrule two decades of court orders that have ruled in favor of restoring a free-flowing Snake River- with increased spill over dams and consideration of dam breaching on the Snake River to restore threatened and endangered salmon. We cannot set a precedent where policymakers overrule decades of court decisions and science to cater to special interests and allow iconic species that are vital to a region’s economy and cultural heritage to disappear. Thank you for your time.
  2.       Please tell Congressman/Congresswoman________ to oppose H.R. 3144 regarding the Columbia and Snake River dams. We do not need to “save” the dams, but we do need to save our wild salmon from extinction. If the lower four Snake River dams were to go down, there will still be over 80,000 more dams in the U.S. Salmon and orcas bring in billions of dollars to the Pacific Northwest economy, but they are spiraling towards extinction because those dams are obstructing their migration and warming the water. We cannot set a precedent where policymakers overrule decades of court decisions and science to cater to special interests and allow iconic species that are vital to a region’s economy and cultural heritage to disappear. Thank you for your time.
  3.       Please tell Congressman/Congresswoman________ to oppose H.R. 3144 regarding the Columbia and Snake River dams. H.R. 3144 would overrule two decades of court orders that have ruled in favor of restoring a free-flowing Snake River to restore threatened and endangered salmon. A recent poll shows that four in five Washington voters say preventing the extinction of wild salmon in the state is very important, and a majority of voters would choose preserving our salmon over dams. It’s clear that the Washington sponsors of H.R. 3144 are out of touch with their constituents and are catering to special interests. We cannot set a precedent where policymakers overrule decades of court decisions and science to cater to special interests and allow iconic species that are vital to a region’s economy and cultural heritage to disappear. Thank you for your time.