Protect Funding for Public Education

A group of New Mexico state senators recently voted in favor of a bill (SB149) that, if enacted, would amount to the largest cut to education funding in state history.

We need you to call or email these senators right now, and express your disappointment in them for putting our students, teachers, and schools on the chopping block.

Stop the largest education cut in New Mexico's history

*You'll receive a call from 505-594-3341 that will provide you guidance on what to say to your officials, and then patch you through directly to them.

Thank you for standing up for New Mexico’s students and teachers!

Hi, this is [YOUR NAME] from [CITY].

I am writing to express my disappointment in the Senator’s vote for SB149, which would amount to the largest cut to education funding in state history.

If enacted, this bill would cost New Mexico $11 billion in state revenue over the first four years. That would severely limit our ability to fund necessary public services -- especially, education.

We should be supporting our students, teachers, and schools to ensure a more prosperous future for New Mexico. SB149 puts them on the chopping block.

I urge the Senator to reflect on their vote and consider the potential consequences that would come from slashing critical education funding.

Thank you, and have a nice day.