Secretary DeVos: Hold Fraudulent Schools Accountable

Not every school has the best interests of its students at heart. There are predatory colleges who take advantage ofpeople by deceiving them about job prospects and educational costs - it’s important to support regulations and laws that will protect your ability to get an affordable, quality education and to have your loans forgiven if you were defrauded.

Help us tell Betsy DeVos it’s her job to #DefendStudents, NOT to protect the bottom line of predatory schools. Sign this petition below by adding your information.


Dear Secretary DeVos,

Schools should be held accountable if they deceive students, and students who are defrauded should have options to have their loans forgiven and get back on track. I support common sense regulations like the Borrower’s Defense to Repayment rule and the Gainful Employment rule, which put students first. We should not roll back or weaken these important protections for students.


Naiyolis G.
Nancy C.
Robert Y.
Katherine M.
Julie M.
ashley y.
Roxie O.
A A.
Carroll G.
NoFirst N.
Wilmer R.
James N.
Kenneth J.
Genevieve M.
George C.
Dyan G.
Kim C.
Patricia A.
Sandra W.
Kathy S.
Laura W.
Sylvia D.
Margaret L.
Lois D.
Mary B.
Martha C.
Lorretta M.
Dennis M.
Rosemary d.
Eric W.
Raquel Q.
Elena C.
Keefe N.
Mark O.
Katherine U.
Patti M.
P. R. S.
Richard M.
Malcolm M.
Jocelyn B.
Lane K.
Jesse K.
rhoda l.
Christian S.
Lisa H.
Daniel L H.
Pamela D.
Bruce K.
Bernie C.