Tell Congress: Keep the Internet Open and Free

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted to end the Internet as we know it.

We can stop this misguided action. Congress has the ability to use the Congressional Review Act to reverse the FCC’s decision, but we only have 60 legislative days to get them to act.

In this critical time, we need net neutrality now more than ever to fight for the future of our democracy. The open Internet is a space where all of us — no matter the content of our beliefs, color of our skin, size of our wallets — have an equal voice.

For us, as people of faith, we know that as important as the Internet is to our work for justice and equality, it is equally important in the lives of our congregations. We use the Internet to build our church family, serve our community, and witness to our faith.

Tell Congress to quickly repeal the FCC’s attempt to end net neutrality and keep the current protections in place.

Learn more about why net neutrality matters to us as people of faith via the Faithful Internet campaign.

Enter your information to take action now!


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