Keep ‘In God We Trust’ out of Oklahoma schools!

Use our new automated system to help defeat this theocratic bill that would put “In God We Trust” in every Oklahoma public school classroom. There is no question of this bill’s religious intent.

The Senate Committee on Appropriations will consider this bill today at 1:30 p.m., so they need to hear your voice right away. Please call or email these lawmakers and urge them to vote against SB 1016.

Learn more about this bill here.

Enter your information to take action now!

*You'll receive a call from 405-308-4076 that will provide you guidance on what to say to your officials, and then patch you through directly to them.

Please encourage others to act by sharing on social media and writing letters to the editor.

As a concerned Oklahoma resident I urge you and the rest of the Senate Committee on Appropriations to strongly oppose SB 1016. Even though “In God We Trust” was adopted as our national motto in the 1950s, it carries a clear religious message that has no place in our secular public schools.

This bill’s clear religious goal violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and marginalizes the 21 percent of young Americans who are either atheist or agnostic. These students do not trust in any gods and no message to do otherwise should be expressed to them by their government.

Public schools are facing real problems that demand real solutions, not prayers or trusting in a god. 

Please vote against SB 1016 this afternoon.