ALP CON Process

Support A.9562 (Lupardo)

As the only Medicaid assisted living option in New York State, the Assisted Living Program (ALP) serves as an alternative to nursing home care for lower-acuity seniors, providing services at approximately half the cost. Since the early 1990s, the ALP has expanded from 4,000 beds to over 12,000 beds, all of which have been awarded through a competitive solicitation process. Despite this growth, ALP capacity in the state is insufficient. There are counties with no ALP providers, counties that will not be able to offer choice of ALP providers in a future managed care environment, and existing ALPs that do not have enough capacity to serve the current need in their community. The historic competitive application process has varied over the solicitations, and the inconsistent process has made it challenging to prepare a successful application. Smaller organizations do not have the resources and expertise to effectively compete in a statewide solicitation.

LeadingAge NY has long advocated for an expansion of the ALP to create additional opportunities for Medicaid-eligible seniors. To that end, we strongly support A.9562 (Lupardo), which would alter the ALP from a competitive process to a certificate of need (CON) process that awards beds based on demonstrated community need and allow existing ALP providers to add up to nine beds through an expedited process.

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