Email Senator Joyce Woodhouse About Dedicated Funding for Salaries

A Dedicated Funding Stream for Educator's Salaries related to our Professional Growth Salary Schedule:  

When educators earn their salary advancement, they should be compensated. CCEA is leading the effort to pass legislation that would create a dedicated funding stream related to salary advancement. 

We are working with Senator Joyce Woodhouse, a longtime public education advocate on this issue. However, we need Senator Woodhouse to hear from all of you. Without her leadership and support we will not secure this historic victory for educators. Please support Senator Woodhouse's efforts. 

This bill would ensure that educators who invest time and resources to better their practice through the PGP, receive salary compensation advancements upon successful completion.




Email Senator Woodhouse a personalize email today!




Thank you for taking action to thank Senator Joyce Woodhouse for her leadership and asking her to help move a Dedicated Funding Bill. Please encourage others to act by sharing on social media by sharing this link: