School Transparency Now - Pass A1184/S1020 & Don't Water Down A4838/S2811

Do you go to school with security guards and/or police? Do you go to a school with metal detectors? Does your school have a zero tolerance policy - what does that mean at your school?
There are currently two state bills moving here in New Jersey to provide students, parents, and the state itself more information on school discipline and bring into light the overpolicing (security guards vs. mental health counselors, etc.) in majority Black and Brown schools.
The first bill, A1184/S1020, would provide school-level data on school discipline broken down by race. The second, S2811/A4838, is at risk of being watered down. Originally, the bill would have provided information on how many security guards and police are in our schools and the ratio of students to guards/police. 
By watering down S2811/A4838, New Jersey students, families, and communities are once again being denied the opportunity to understand what is happening inside our schools. We deserve transparency. We know policing in schools results in the racially discriminatory application of suspensions, expulsions, and referrals to the criminal justice system, and that in turn creates an environment in which many students feel less safe overall.

Since the murder of George Floyd in May, a racial and social justice movement has been growing in our communities and across the country demanding an end to a law enforcement approach to school safety, which disproportionately impacts Black and Latinx students. New Jersey must start by providing the public with detailed data and information on the deployment and cost of law enforcement personnel by school districts across the state.

Call your lawmakers and Governor Murphy today - tell them to pass A1184/S1020 and don't water down S2811/A4838 - we deserve transparency.

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