TBI-DD Integration

Support S.4805 (Ranzenhofer)

In many areas of the state, particularly rural areas, there is a severe shortage of caregivers to support individuals with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in the community. Many times, this leads to the unfortunate placement of people into nursing homes. Oftentimes, these individuals could be served by local providers of developmental disabilities services, unless their TBI was suffered after age twenty-one. This important bill would allow these individuals to access developmental disabilities services, ensuring they can be served in a more community-based setting. Since individuals with TBI already receive Medicaid, this bill would provide no additional cost to the State and may in fact save Medicaid dollars by keeping individuals out of higher cost nursing home settings.

Enter your information to contact your lawmakers, urging them to support S.4805 (Ranzenhofer). You can also access LeadingAge NY's memo of support here.

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